Mcleod Russel India Ltd plans to invest up to Rs50 crore in the next two years in D1 Williamson Magor Bio Fuel Ltd, a joint venture company promoted by D1 Oils of the UK and Williamson Magor & Co. Ltd for production of bio-diesel in the east and north-east parts of India. D1 Williamson Magor Bio-fuel Ltd has been promoting jatropha plantation farmers on their privately owned waste land under contract farming arrangements for use of jatropha oil seeds for manufacture of bio diesel. The company has undertaken plantation on about 8,000 hectares of land during 2006 and plans to undertake 50,000 hectares each year from 2007 onwards. The plantation has already been completed on 29,000 hectares during 2007. The company plans to undertake plantation of total 200,000 hectors by 2011-12. The investment by the company involves creation of manufacturing facilities of crude oil and refinery, working capital arrangements and initial support towards the plantation by the farmers. The total investment required for development of production facilities of up to 2009-10, year of commencement of commercial production, is approximately Rs300 crore. […]