ICICI Venture and Indivision, the private equity arm of Future Capital Holdings, have together picked up 16.46% in security solutions firm Tops Security for Rs 140 crore. Tops group CMD Diwan Rahul Nanda said on Thursday in Mumbai that ICICI Venture picked up 13.6% stake for Rs 115 crore, while Indivsion, which earlier held 4.94% in the company, invested Rs 25 crore to take its total stake to 7.08%. After the stake sale, the stake of Nanda family is expected to come down from 79.18% to 65.98%. Besides Nanda family, investor Rakesh Jhunjunwala owns a 12.7% stake in the company. In a move to enhance its international presence, the company is close to acquiring a UK-based firm for around Rs 120 crore. The company is also looking to spread its operations Australia, the US and the Middle East in the next five years. The company may enter the market in a year, said Mr Nanda. […]