According to an estimate by RREEF, the value of globally invested commercial real estate market is around $10 trillion in 2006. Invested market is the real estate market where space is owned by professional real estate investors, such as money managers, funds, private investment vehicles, listed companies, institutions etc. and this market is only two-thirds of investible market, which also includes investment-grade space that is owner-occupied. US accounts for more than a third of investible stock (around $5.6 trillion) and around 85 per cent is already invested. Other major markets that have large proportion of invested real estate are Japan, UK, and Germany. About 90 per cent of around $1 trillion investible stock in the UK has already been invested. Emerging markets like India, China, Brazil and Mexico have very small proportion of market that are institutionally invested. Despite phenomenal economic and property market growth in India, the size of investible commercial real estate stock is $100 billion because a large chunk of real estate stock is not investment grade. However, India is adding real estate stock at a fastest rate in the world. During current and next year, around 300 per cent of total stock is projected to be added despite an expected slowing down of the real estate cycle. According to RREEF, India would add 700 million sq ft of office space valued at $35 billion. […]