March 2010
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Activities of PE funds to gain momentum

Private equity funds (PE funds) seem to be staging a comeback after their near withdrawal from Indian economic landscape in the wake of global economic meltdown in 2008. Deal activities have picked up significantly since last year and are expected to edge higher towards the end of the year. According to recent studies, merger and acquisition (M&A) activities in the country more than doubled in the first month of 2010 as deals worth about Rs 13,950 crore were announced, signifying emergence of the country's economic environment after tough 18 months. January saw as many as 29 domestic deals worth $2,3030 million compared to 14 transactions worth $589 million in January 2009. Telecom, logistics and banking and finance and insurance were the most targeted sector for investment with deals worth $ 2180 million, $ 164 million and $117 million, respectively, according to the study conducted by financial research services provider VCEdge. […]

Hindustan Construction to buy majority stake in Swiss firm

Hindustan Construction Co Friday said it will acquire 66-per cent stake in Karl Steiner AG, the second largest integrated services contractor in the Swiss realty market, for nearly $33 million. The acquisition will not only give Hindustan Construction access to the European market but also help its entry into the $16.5 billion integrated building construction industry in India, the company said. 'This acquisition has been carried out on the grounds of strategic fit both to capture local market opportunity and to provide us with a presence of European expansion,' the company's chairman and managing director Ajit Gulabchand said at a press conference here. […]